Waring Travel/Support Scholarship
Undergraduate student research and attendance at professional meetings is a critical component in the development of excellent scholarship and a nationally competitive Anthropology Program. A student may apply to receive monies for a research project or to travel for research or study (including field schools-domestic or international) and to attend and/or present papers/posters at professional conferences and meetings related to the study of Anthropology throughout the year. If awarded, funds of up to $350 may include research-related costs, the costs of registration, as well as travel, food and lodging. The award is decided on a per case basis.
Please note: If relevant, undergraduate students may be asked to apply for the 澳门新普京注册 Student Travel Award prior to consideration by Waring.
How to Apply
- Apply through the scholarships portal.
Apply Now - If you are presenting at a conference, include with your application evidence that you have applied for a 澳门新普京注册 Student Travel Award and, if received, include documentation of any award monies.
- After travel: Under guidance of the faculty sponsor, the student must prepare a 1-2 page statement no more than 30 days after the travel or research award period, explaining how the original goals were met during the travel period. Failure to complete this step will result in the loss of future eligibility for this award or any other Waring Funds.
BUDGET NOTE: Most expenses will need to be reimbursed after travel, so plan accordingly.
When to Apply
There is no deadline. Requests may be submitted at any time.
Questions? Contact us: anthropology@letaoyizs.com